Friday, 1 July 2011

The harvest starts now....

The principle is that we reap what we sow, that's no news to some I'm sure,
well you might say I’m  stating the obvious but honestly speaking, i’ve never been this excited about a new month…why?

when the cloud is loaded it empties itself...the question here is, what have you loaded your cloud with; daily we make emotional deposits in peoples lives, our jobs/careers, our finances and even in the spiritual; in the end what empties itself is exactly what we have put in, only with more magnitude.

July is the seventh month of the year that means half of the year is done, and 7 is a number of rest... I’m sure u’re wondering did I just discover that? No I didn’t…We all know there’s a sowing time and harvest time right?, well, no year should have just one season and so should life. The first half of the year is a type of the sowing or planting season, while the second half is harvest time…now you see my excitement?

It’s the harvest season and we can only rejoice when we have sown good seeds, it’s not too late u can still sow and expect results, the idea is when u’re expectant, the chances of receiving sky rockets…
so, make a choice today for a good harvest, bcos we ultimately reap what we sow, do not be deceived!!!!

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