Wednesday, 19 February 2014


welcome to 2014 and 'living your best life'. It's a new year and s time of doing new things.A new begining often signals the start of or commencement of a new thing; it also means to undergo the first of or to begin to do something.
Often we allow our past redefine not just our present but our future.what is that new thing or few things as the case may be that you what to begin doing?it's important to be able to identify them. For me two major things come to mind; first, asking questions and, eating healthy funny you may say. I used to allow missed opportunities get to me; but since I heard a wise man re-state that 'the earth rotates in it's orbit and on it's axis' I know i'll get another go at it. However it's my preparation to face it again that determined what lessons I learnt.
So, as 2014 takes off my first tip to living your best life is "START OVER" I say that again "START OVER". Don't be afraid of a new beginning.  As mysterious as it may seem, it might just be exactly what you need.
"START OVER" and remember to love your best life!

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