It's more than cliche when someone yells at you continuously, ''think outside the box''.
What do you do when your creativity has been stretched thin? you've looked at things from every angle and nothing seems out of the ordinary?
In trying to think out of the box, people most often forget to exhaust all options within the box. In trying to get people creatively thinking, we most times succeed in getting to ignore salient opportunities hidden just under your nose.
I get tired of hearing; ''this is how we do it here'' or ''it's always been done this way'' (hey, that's why you've got the same results.)
Be your best critic, (that I've learnt the hard way after having to re-do a creative piece four times cos the gate keeper as I came to discover, didn't have the necessary prowess.) you'll do yourself and others a lot of good.
Set goals, achieve them and move on...mantra!
What do you do when your creativity has been stretched thin? you've looked at things from every angle and nothing seems out of the ordinary?
In trying to think out of the box, people most often forget to exhaust all options within the box. In trying to get people creatively thinking, we most times succeed in getting to ignore salient opportunities hidden just under your nose.
I get tired of hearing; ''this is how we do it here'' or ''it's always been done this way'' (hey, that's why you've got the same results.)
The idea is not to get conformed to the norm but breakout to be a difference. A barrier breaker I learnt recently, is one who seeks to be different and do things differently, one who will spare head new things and break the bounds of every limitation. Let it be said that you did things another way not necessarily new maybe new to your environment or cycle.. How great a victory dance you'd have when you can gladly sing ''I told you so'' to the nay sayers (no mater how quietly lol..)
But, within the limitation of our sight is great opportunity...we can find great ideas even from the seeming un-productive box....Have a box first before even thinking outside it. It's easy to say I'm thinking outside the box and not have a slight incline what the box ought to be.

As you struggle to think beyond the box, just pause, look around, be sure you've exhausted every creative juice possible.
Be your best critic, (that I've learnt the hard way after having to re-do a creative piece four times cos the gate keeper as I came to discover, didn't have the necessary prowess.) you'll do yourself and others a lot of good.
Set goals, achieve them and move on...mantra!