Thursday, 23 February 2017

Wanda's Tale by Ritkatmwa Gwan. Episode 11

The family… 

….the sound of her ringing phone woke her up it was Jude’s elder sister “Omafuwe”..this was the third day straight she was calling…it would be rude to let the poor woman keep calling…Oiza’s voice again sounded a warning …she knocked the phone out of Wanda’s hand and it went quiet.”what do you think you are doing? is this anty Oma not Jude’s older sister? what do they want see?”… “Oiza,  I appreciate you being here but it’s my life”… Oiza was hurt was more because she had travelled from her base in Osun immediately aunty Billy had called and this attitude wasn’t welcomed. 
“ok then, its your life, do as you please” whatever it was that snapped inside her, Oiza had resolved to allow her friend be..this would later explain the distance in their friendship…”I’d leave first thing tomorrow, I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” the awkward silence was deafening.

———Saturday morning, 8:03AM, the make up artist was already beating up Wanda’s face, even she knew she had never looked prettier, they had pictures planned for late morning and they had just 1 hour and half to be ready…
The loud chatter at the gate was a first, aunty Billy had never had confrontations so the crowd that gathered there was a surprise…as if reading her thoughts Austin entered through the service entrance ”good morning madam, na some people say them be una in-law” her glasses almost fell off “in-law? from where?” her thoughts quickly racing to the guests she was hosting for Flo and Offy’s wedding.
she was genuinely puzzled..”uncle Jude…I mean mr Jude, aunty Wanda friend…” “shut up there, uncle Jude,  Mr Jude are you related to him?” “ ah, no madam…na him and him people come.” her soliloquising was cut short by Austin’s sprint to the gate…she had barely given a nod when he took off…
“Wanda, do you want to pretend you don’t know what’s happening?” Charis was the first one through the door…since mummy’s passing the girls had made anty Billy’s their home.  This show down was one worth watching. 

Jude’s Uncle Rona was smiling a little too much for aunty Billy and Charis knew this wouldn’t end well. He cleared his throat…“Our people say”….”excuse me sir, I am not interested in whatever nonsense your people say” the plot was thickening and aunty Billy’s British accent was in full gear (maybe to intimidate them) She gestures for him to take a seat..”Wanda” she calls out while eye balling Jude in the corner.. “ I want you to see what your son did to my daughter” she pulled the veil from Wanda’s face and a makeup sponge appeared from no where wipping off the make up. Everyone gasped, it was bad, even aunty Billy hadn’t seen it this close. she was already choking on tears but had to say her piece…”there won’t be a wedding, not this way” Jude was on all fours weeping and soon aunty Oma, Uncle Rona and his wife joined on their knees, “ madam, let us talk this thing through, he is remorseful, he is sorry and we assure you, we will look after her, Wanda is a beautiful girl”… “ Jude started to speak but his crying didn’t let him speak, Charis was emotional but happy they weren’t going ahead with the marriage, after all she had nursed her sister one too many times and knew what the end could be.

Aunty Billy knew she needed to send them away before Wanda had a rethink…” I’m sorry but you need to leave now” “Austin, please see this people out”
The gate shut and the last of the tears cried it was over. Charis and aunty Billy knew this wasn’t the end. Wanda was just staring into the distance and as if a glass had shattered she turned to them “ He truly is broken, I haven’t seen him like I did today”. Aunty Billy didn’t want to bother about that now they had Flo and Offy’s wedding to worry about. 

it was clear she had a puzzled look, what did Wanda’s statement mean?

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