It was 2010 and I had just resumed in Lagos, the heat was biting and the sun hotter than ever. Haven recovered from product buildup, my hair was now long and black again but I couldn't get th full head of hair I wanted.
So, that day I went to the salon to get it retouched and afterward asked the lady to cut it in half...AH! her expression was as suprising as mine, it took me ten seconds to finally decide it was time...Well, the hair finally half it's length (barly making a pony tail) I still didn't want to go low and start growing the hair again so I decided to let it grow out, but a few months later I got frustrated (combing had become a nightmare).
I moved back to Abuja and february 2011 stumbled on a Youtube channel
'beautiful brown baby dol' she had almost all the answers..that was the first time I heard the word transition used in relation to hair...then I found and learnt how to care for and style the hair as short as it was..
Today I'm almost 2 years full natural and I can say I have seen tremendous improvement in hair health and growth..
feeling my twist out?
I faithfully watched, followed and devoured every suggestion I saw on youtube and other natural hair blogs, some good, others were just plain bizzare..
It was a trying period but fritful as I came to find out. let me pause to share with you some tips on transitioning. From the day you decide to go natural you have two basic options, a BC (big chop) or Transition.It's actually a more delicate process than the BC, when transitioning your hair tends to break cos the weakest point of your hair is where the new growth and the permed hair meet..
when you decide to transition you need to;
- start treating your hair as if it's all natural
-avoid using heat on your hair too often (no matter how tempting)
-keep it moisturized all the time (I use shea butter, coconut oil water etc)
-wear protective styles (braids etc)
-avoid touching your hair so much;
-comb your hair wet or damp..(use a wide tooth comb)
-research (read,study,ask questions,join groups online)
-get support (get in touc with other naturals, you'll need the support)
- know your hair type (e.g 4a,b,c)and how best to treat it...all hair types don't demand equal attention (mind you, you can have two hair type on your happens).
wearing protective styling.. |
This is actually the time where you can experiment things that'll end up being routine for you as you evolve..
Now back to my story:
As I transitioned I always trimmed off bits of took about 8 months before I had my BC; I cut off all the permed hair leaving me with a TWA (teeny weeny afro) by then, all those that had things to say would say them but I had built tough skin (and it's my hair so I didn't bother)
I also learnt eating healthy and drinking lots of water helps hair and skin health. I also took some supplements during that time.
one of 'em days |
So as you make the fabulous decision of going natural, need I say you have to convience yourself it's what you want (hence shutting all nay sayers out); and it's not automatic, just as you care for permed hair, your natural hair won't be healthy if not catered for... So whether you want to remain natural like me, or go back to perm after a while, you need to research proper ways of caring for your hair type...
You deserve better looking hair
I'll be back with more hair gist...