Tuesday 15 January 2013


It finally started for me..
it's 2 weeks into the new year and it just started for me. As pathetic as you may think it sounds
(trust me, that's a good thing) The first 13 days I used settling how the rest of the year will go.

Having a plan always points you in a direction. I'm not one to make resolutions, I stopped after several years of routine and not keeping true to any. In recent years I have plied a different route; making conscious efforts at life improvements instead of thoughtless resolutions.

I was almost getting into routine mode but my better judgement told me 13 days effort cannot be put to waste; so I brace myself in an effort to make the most of this year of 'more than enough'.

So work resumes and all the annoying stuff too..I thought the 2 weeks away from everyone had given me time to adjust: the prying eyes, nose picking and loud gum chewing...hmmm I was wrong; it was as if the break never happened.This must be a test..am I seeing or hearing things cos I ought not to??!! Then i begin to rethink, maybe I need to start seeing things differently..

Often times the thought of us being the ones that need change is frightening, truth be told, change can only start with you.When one makes a conscious effort to change something it doesn't matter if those around don't change instantly...give them time I'm sure they'll get the cue.

It's my first post this year and I hope it won't sound 'complainy' (if there's a word like that) well I tried :D...
It's not too late to map out a strategy...15 days have gone by and you have 350 more to go.
Daily routines determine the quality of life you have... when you succeed at mastering 24 hours you can succeed at mastering 24 years. Take each day.

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