Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Good bye August!

As the down pour halts I'm reminded of a grand orchestra  closing a symphony; I can almost hear it, I canalmost touch it; the happy tears of a great perfomance trickkle down your cheek as the applause rise loudly and just for that moment you are lost in the music.

August came and is gone like the first day I feel over whelmed, it's gone so quickly, almost missed it's moments. It had it's share of tears and ovations just life the orchestra and when the time comes to say good bye, the chill that runs throug my spine is not for moments lost but for those lived...

I had some good laughs and some tears too..most blessed by the rains it brought with it, maybe now we'd all get a break! (from the rains). Sweet August you'd be remembered for breakthroughs and ground breakings, new things and new hope; tough decisions and not so wise ones too.

One thought I'd like to leave you with is, whatever you did in August, the regrets, the silly decisions, the out right dumb mistakes or the genius stuff you were able to pull off, one should have an attitude of doing better cos there's always room for improvement...
This is the least you could be, alot of other opportunities await you, God doesn't give you just 1 or 2 chances, He gives you another chance! Imagine if you had just one chance at anything..most of us blew it already.even if it were two chances, we might just fail at the next try.

August is gone withit's worries, I dust off myself from theground where I fell face up looking for the next ladder to climb cos September is bringing with it an EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New month, it starts now!!....................................rbg

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