Gone are the days when we wrote long winding sentences in letters trying to get our thoughts across...I remember receiving a letter from a friend, it took me at least 4 days to read and digest it's content (no joke!). till this day we call it 'the epistle'
well now, it's either lmao, lol, brb...etc these alphabets most times not skillfully arranged are supposed to express our thoughts??? i really can't say, u fill in the blanks. most times it's a herculean task deducing what the encoder meant. Anyway, that's not my focus today.
I was thinking of what to say today and someone suggested the GSM/smart phones and other technology craze we seem to be experiencing. He was out with friends and he ended up watching them ping all through the evening (what a boring outing that must have been).
Before 2001 in Nigeria, telephones were exactly just that that, TELEPHONE!! the ones that sat by the stool in your living room, and they all had a universal and quite annoying ring tone..little wonder when old folks talk they say..."i'll ring you later" it's cos of that old telephone they're not over it yet....lol
Now we don't just have cell phones we have smart phones that don't only make calls and send sms but have other perks added to them..there's the Blackberry or BB iphone's and ipads....and the list goes on.
Whatever gizmo's we find we want to acquire, they've become like accessories to our outfits most of which we end up using only about 30 to 50% of it's capabilities (that's even for people that are a little smart) I don't mean to be insulting but really, do u need a BB, an ipad, a mac, and an ipod???common i mean if you're able to effectively use one you'll see how improvident acquiring the other was.....are u feeling me? (maybe not :D)
Typical scenario: three guys chilling suddenly, ping! and like a light bulb their eyes light up and in an instance no one on the table is talking everyone is bent over pinging...is that your idea of spending time with friends?
scenario two; (i actually experienced this somewhere in Abuja) two ladies exit a store chatting both busy on their phones (pinging of course) and like clock work they stop in the middle of the road typing away till someone (me) walks inbetween them and says; "see how BB has turned you into mad people"......not exactly what i said but what I wanted to say...
I'm sure you get the gist now. It's not wise if you're using a gadget just cos it's in vogue or everyone is having it...pls have better reasons for buying stuff.
This technology is a way of enhancing human activity including communication not eliminating or replacing it. Then there's social network; good or bad?? it's still being debated. from twitter to facebook, to 2go, to im to buddy to netlog, to linked....others are hi5, myspace, blogger, badoo etc the list is endless, i found out there are hundreds of social networking sites world wide (even the list on wikipedia is not exhaustive). It's disturbing that most people become addicted to one or more social networks that if they are away from their phones for a few moments they might not survive.You don't look smart or intelligent just cos you have two phones and an ipad, it's what use you're able to put one of them to that makes you smart!!
As we continue to face the bizarre and unlikely things people subject themselves to for gadget/social network sake; remember to keep your communication lines open, don't let technology steal the gift of meeting people, make conscious efforts to have conversations; (like a friend will say, stop forming busy and talk to people)..conversing frequently will improve your people skills.
I own a pliris1 it's an android phone and I bet you that's all I have (for now) and making the most of it too, I'm still finding out more things I can do with the phone...........I also enjoy healthy uninterrupted conversations not just on the phone but in person...........rbg
I was thinking of what to say today and someone suggested the GSM/smart phones and other technology craze we seem to be experiencing. He was out with friends and he ended up watching them ping all through the evening (what a boring outing that must have been).
we had this exact one in my house. |
in the begining.. |
now.. |
Typical scenario: three guys chilling suddenly, ping! and like a light bulb their eyes light up and in an instance no one on the table is talking everyone is bent over pinging...is that your idea of spending time with friends?
scenario two; (i actually experienced this somewhere in Abuja) two ladies exit a store chatting both busy on their phones (pinging of course) and like clock work they stop in the middle of the road typing away till someone (me) walks inbetween them and says; "see how BB has turned you into mad people"......not exactly what i said but what I wanted to say...
I'm sure you get the gist now. It's not wise if you're using a gadget just cos it's in vogue or everyone is having it...pls have better reasons for buying stuff.
As we continue to face the bizarre and unlikely things people subject themselves to for gadget/social network sake; remember to keep your communication lines open, don't let technology steal the gift of meeting people, make conscious efforts to have conversations; (like a friend will say, stop forming busy and talk to people)..conversing frequently will improve your people skills.
I own a pliris1 it's an android phone and I bet you that's all I have (for now) and making the most of it too, I'm still finding out more things I can do with the phone...........I also enjoy healthy uninterrupted conversations not just on the phone but in person...........rbg
Great Piece RITZ, i dont mind if u cld give me ur Pliris 1 lol. there is a lot 2 learn from this, communication has become redefined, and even anoying, because of its dillusion, pple cld uncunsciously get rude without knowing, and because not everyone is adaptive at least immediately wit redefined forms, it seems to break, affect and reduce d effect of communication in any friendship or relationship. being in direct communication with persons from time 2 time is a gud point made. A purpose must exist 4 everytin rather than moving with controversial trend. few said i guess i am inspired by this piece. Selah
ReplyDeleteYep, so true. i find myself holding on to my BB for the sake of avoiding awkward conversation.hehehe. but technology especially the abuse of it has killed intimate connection and relationships with real people...though some like me use it to escape, that is still no excuse. nice work Rit...next time, shout fire near the chicks (wink wink)