my Afro attempt. |
corn rows |
So I started this journey five months ago...it hasn't been easy and I aint getting lots of support by the way. But, its a cross I'm bearing.
Well caring for natural hair is not as expensive and difficult as we make it all seem...
By the way, before the relaxer we all were doing well with the glorious hair God gave us...until we started seeing it as 'bad hair', 'nappy hair', 'kinky hair' and all the other bad names you can think of. Who ever said natural hair was bad hair, I mean who decides which hair texture is good or bad?!!!??? (I thought so too) I used to have what you could call a full head, but after about 14 years of relaxer and product build up my hair became thin, weak and scanty that's when I decided to cut the length by half and start the transition!!
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laid back |
I'm not trying to get everyone to go back to their natural hair, I decided for myself.All I'm saying is, embrace who you are and don't let some synthetic hair define your idea of beautiful hair, after all God gave it to you as your crowing glory! And even while perming your hair aim for healthy hair.
braids... |
more braids |
Caring for natural can be achieved with as little as two products or as much as you want and can afford.The basic things you need are, a good shampoo, conditioner and hair moisturizer of choice...(see it can be that simple). A quick note, try to use products that contain lots of natural/organic ingredients..How do you know, it's easy.....recently I learnt a new way of choosing my hair/cosmetics, just read the content and if the first 2 to 3 ingredients are chemicals then the product isn't as natural as made to appear. The idea here is, a product contains about 60 to 70% of the first 2 or 3 products on the list..
another afro! |
To transition from perm to natural hair you have two options;
a) do the big chop ( BC) or cut off the perm and start the new growth OR,
b) transition for a period by allowing the new growth get to your desired length before you cut off the perm...(that's what I'm doing)
the kinky.... :D |
Make your transition period fun, the moment you decide to go natural start treating you hair like it's all natural, read stuff and begin testing products you will use when you are completely natural..also never comb your natural hair when dry...always dampen the hair.. Look for support systems for your new choice and plan your hair regime.
Also, wear protective hair styles while you are grooming the new growth(i like braids and kinky..i also attempt corn rows often) but also allow the hair breath between styles...(like my attempted afro styles :D) Avoid heat application to your hair as much as possible (driers, hair straightener etc) let your hair air dry. Always use a wide tooth comb no matter how tempting the tiny ones look..
more kinky. |
I'd do another piece showing you my hair products to give you an idea of what I use. I also use fruits and vegetable in my hair...
Writing about this is a coping mechanism for me, it rids my mind of those who want to ''rain on my parade''...My BC (big chop) is in December when I'd be 9 months transitioning, I'm looking forward to it....keep being beautiful and love how you look!! ................................rbg
This is a great Piece Ritz, i guess it could apply to men's hair too lol. Tis gud to try and remain as natural as possible, but the fruit use also on the hair wow, it sounds like a nutritional investment oooooo, feeling like wot shld go to my stomach, wld go to my hair, lol. basically i know hair is all protein, n i know now introducing fruit use wld improve the hair long term. Lovely piece Ritz lovely, i look forward to part II. I celebrate u.