Monday, 15 August 2011

One fine monday..

  Most of us hate Monday's it's a rude awakening to the end of a usually long or short weekend.  It's Monday and like most Monday's in my recent past, it has a slow start...

The weather in Abuja (Nigeria's capital city) is great these days, today the skies are clear after a whole weekend of down pour...but I looked outside my office window and saw some it's gonna rain later, boy do I wish I were home.

 You see the clouds???!! I immediately feel like going back home and getting to bed, well if u must know my weekend was eventful, hence, very short and I feel kinda sleep deprived.

These pictures are some views of the Abuja sky line from my office window nice hey...

One way I get through Monday's is looking forward to the next day, and before I know it, Tuesday is here and the rest of the week just rolls by. You can also set a new task or challenge for yourself every monday, that keeps you busy and as the clock ticks your attention is taken by what you have to do.

Also decide how your day goes, when you make deliberate efforts to smile and be polite it works, it not only brughtens your day and your mood; you look younger and it puts a smile on someones face too..

Funny how our state of mind affect our perception of how a day will go. I noticed on my way to work today that most people I walked by had a slight frown or some look of frustration so I decided to smile  :D
It worked...I walked by the first lady and she looked at me and smiled back, the next was a petite old man who after some hesitation replied with an almost toothless smile (at least he has a reason not to smile....just kidding). So I'm wearing this smile continuously knowing today won't be a bad day.........rbg.


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